Benefits Of Wet Shaving


We live fast, don't we? Fast news, the constant buzz of social media, unimportant chatter, long commutes (ok, some not so fast..), fast work, fast weeks, fast schedules and little appreciation of time or the moment.

"Must Move Faster"

Unfortunately this pace of life seems to have ebbed its way in to many of our grooming regimes and we feel that the large cosmetics companies would probably like to keep it that way. Fast shaves with expensive multi-blade systems and goo you squirt out of a can. Lacking aesthetic appeal these contraptions and the foams and gels provided by mega-corporations only add to that sense of urgency that has crept in to our bathrooms.

Not only that but consider the ingredients that go in to a typical can of shaving gel. For example, had you ever noticed the curiously named 'BHT' ingredient or the well-known propellant isobutane? Focusing on butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) we can see how it's a controversial synthetic ingredient that has been studied since the 1970s. To inform yourself better about BHT, have look here. Needless to say, you won't find any such ingredients in our products.


It might surprise you to read that traditional wet shaving is certainly not the exclusive domain of men. In 1915 Gillette were the first to make the women's specific safety razor, the Milady Decolletee. Fast forwards to the 1950's and many women relied upon safety and straight razors to shave their legs and underarms. Skip to the present day and hair removal (shaving) forms part of the daily regime of countless women the world over.




Before aerosol and multiple blade cartridges, things were simple, and simple worked pretty well.

Simple is good.


Make your shaving a ritual that you look forward to and enjoy. Take a moment out of your schedule; the job, the children, that essay, assignment, gym session, that list of jobs given to you by the other half and enjoy the singular focus demanded by a naked razor being run over your skin.

Make time in your day and treat your skin to good preparation, with an excellent soap, your razor of choice and preferred post-shave treatment. Why not go a step further and have some quiet (or loud) music on in the background?


Whichever way you view it, present day shaving techniques and mass-produced equipment and soaps leave a lot to be desired. I've been traditional wet shaving for a long time now and the options available via the likes of razors, soaps, pre-shave / post-shave treatments all add a wonderful layer of enjoyment I never thought possible from something I once viewed as a hideous chore.